Main Muscles Affected
- Legs
- Buttocks
- Bibs
- Back
- Shoulders
- Arm
- Abdominal muscles
Workout difficulty
Medium difficulty
This circuit is able to strengthen and improve balance, posture and give more tone and resistance to the muscles of the whole body. Combining these exercises with the use of the Fitball and dumbbells you can achieve good results in less than 8 weeks. Carry out a few minutes of warm-up and close the training session with some stretching exercises. It is recommended to perform 3 rounds a day alternate.
- Equipment: mat, fitball, 2 dumbbells
- 12 exercises (1 round)
- 30 "workout 10" break
- From 40 "to 60" of pause between one round and the next
- Perform 3/4 rounds every other day
- Leg curl fitball
- Back buttocks bridge on fitball
- Plank with fitball
- V-up fitball in hand
- Push ups on fitball
- Dumbbell curl with fitball
- Close grip row with dumbbells on fitball
- Pushes with dumbbells on fitball
- Leg lift on the hip with fitball
- Fitball stability pike
- Leg and arm raises with fitball