We met Dr. Prof. Marco Antonio Zappa, director of General Surgery at the Fatebenefratelli - Sacco in Milan, who told us about the experience he has been living in these weeks. The important testimony of those who, every day, are #InPrimaLinea in the "Covid-19 emergency.
Our questions
- We hear the term "health emergency" every day: what does this concept mean for those who work in hospitals?
- What struck you most about this situation on a professional level?
- Have you ever felt fear?
- What, on the other hand, will remain most impressed on you from a human point of view?
- Is there an episode that will keep in your mind for a long time? If so, which one?
- How did you organize yourself in your hospital (il fatebenefratelli-Sacco)?
- In your opinion, what will a situation like the one we are experiencing leave us as a legacy?
Further information and updates on 2019-nCov
For more detailed information on the new Coronavirus, on correct prevention, on infections in Italy, on the rules to be respected and on the quarantine procedures, we recommend reading the dedicated articles:
- Coronavirus 2019-nCoV: How to Recognize the First Symptoms and What to Do
- New Coronavirus: Rules to Follow
- Coronavirus: how to prevent the risk of contagion from 2019 nCoV
- New Coronavirus vaccine: updates
- Coronavirus: prevention and updates on the 2019 nCoV infection in Italy
- SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Causes, History and Therapies
- Coronavirus and SARS: similarities and differences on infection and transmission of the virus
- New Coronavirus: medical prescription via email or message
- Covid-19: what to eat in quarantine to balance a sedentary lifestyle