it is colposcopy which also provides for the collection and histological analysis in the laboratory of a sample of suspicious cells belonging to the uterine cervix.
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Useful for the diagnosis of benign or malignant tumors that can affect the neck of the uterus (or cervix), colposcopy with biopsy is indicated for all women on whom the Pap Test has provided an abnormal result and for all women who complain of severe symptoms. indicative of a cervical neoplasm.
Contraindicated to pregnant women and during the days of menstruation, colposcopy with biopsy requires special preparation, does not require anesthesia and is generally free of adverse effects.
Colposcopy with biopsy is said to be negative when the cell sample analyzed does not show any real anomaly; on the other hand, it is said to be positive when the sample of cells analyzed shows benign or malignant neoplastic characteristics.