acute affecting the upper and / or lower respiratory tract, is very contagious and is accompanied by rather non-specific symptoms.
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are solely responsible for its debut. Specifically, the viruses most involved belong to the Ortomixoviridiae family (influenza type A, B and C). The infection, by air, occurs through contact / inhalation of micro-drops of saliva infected by the virus, spread in the environment through sneezing, coughing or simply by talking.
For further information: Influence: What it is, Causes, Contagion and Treatment . In most cases, however, it manifests itself with symptoms such as: tiredness and feeling sick, fever, chills, headache, lacrimation, pharyngitis / laryngitis, dry or oily cough, sneezing, gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).For further information: Symptoms of the Flu Read also: Diet for the Flu Natural Remedies for the Flu