Scientific name
Citrus limon
Far East (Northern India)
LemonParts Used
Drug consisting of fruit rinds
Chemical constituents
- Essential oil (limonene) generally obtained by pressing;
- Citroflavonoids (hesperidin, diosmin, rutin).
Lemon in Herbalist: Properties of Lemon
Lemon is common as a flavoring for the liquor industry, but for this purpose it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry where, generally, it is used to mask the unpleasant taste that drugs can have.
However, it is also endowed with interesting phytotherapeutic properties, such as corroborating and stomachic ones. In fact, lemon is able to stimulate salivary secretion and the other glands of the digestive system; so much so that - in the form of a gel - the essential oil of lemon is used to increase salivary secretion. The pulp of the lemon, on the other hand, is used as a rich source of vitamin C.