In recent years, this type of massage has enjoyed increasing success, probably due to the body-mind-spirit approach typical of oriental traditions and philosophies. In these cultures, massage is often used as a means to achieve well-being, not only physical, but also mental and spiritual, in order to find balance and harmony with oneself and with the surrounding environment. According to oriental philosophies, in fact, the individual's body is considered one with the mind and it is believed that it is crossed by vital energies whose imbalance leads to the appearance of discomforts and disorders of various kinds.
In the course of the article, therefore, the main and most common types of oriental massages will be described, highlighting their characteristics, expected benefits and any contraindications.
However, it should be noted that given the great cultural variety present in the many and different Eastern countries, it is difficult to describe all the types of oriental massage currently existing and all their characteristics. In fact, within the same type of massage there may be different variants, although they all originate in the same geographical areas and although they are all based on the same traditional medicine. For example, the different variants can be differentiated by the application of oils, for the use of herbs or for the type of manipulations carried out, still falling within the same group of oriental massages (Chinese, Thai, Ayurvedic, etc.).