Currently, there are many types of massage oils available on the market that differ from each other in composition and the effects they should have. If you do not want to resort to the purchase of an industrial product, you can make your own massage oil yourself, mixing vegetable oils and natural essences.
The use of the massage oil is foreseen in the execution of many types of massage, from the aesthetic to the therapeutic one, passing through the relaxing and sporting one.
Of course, it is very important not to underestimate the risks associated with the use of a product of this type. In fact, the appearance of allergic reactions in sensitive individuals following the application of massage oil cannot be excluded. For this reason, first to use the product, it would be good to test it on a small portion of skin.
of the massager on the massaged person, therefore to favor the execution of the massage by reducing the friction that could be created. According to many, moreover, the use of massage oil can be useful for transferring the heat from the hands of the masseur to the skin of the person receiving the manipulation.
In addition to this, other benefits can be obtained from the use of a massage oil:
- By reducing friction, the massage oil can prevent the massaged's skin from becoming irritated;
- The oils exert a moisturizing and emollient action, allowing the skin not to dry out and improving its appearance at the end of the treatment.
When additional ingredients are added to the massage oil (for example, active substances of different types, extracts, essential oils, etc.), it is then possible to obtain further benefits from the use of this product. For example, the essential oils added to the massage oil - in addition to being used for the potential beneficial effects that should occur once they come into contact with the skin - are also exploited for aromatherapy purposes (it is not uncommon, for example, that in "As part of a relaxing massage, lavender essence, known for its calming properties, is added to the massage oil).