Tui Na or Tuina massage is a special type of Chinese massage.Backache; Headache; Sciatic pains; Disorders due to (generally non-pathological) alterations of blood and lymphatic circulation; Menstrual disturbances; Abdominal swelling Stress and non-pathological anxiety states; Irritability and mood changes.
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Like many other oriental massages, Tui Na also aims to treat ailments of different types by restoring the correct flow of vital energy. According to traditional Chinese medicine, in fact, an "alteration of this flow is able to favor the appearance of ailments, discomforts and diseases in the individual."
Traditionally, the Tui Na massage is used to regulate blood and lymphatic circulation and to regulate the flow of hormones; nowadays, however, it is mainly used to counteract or relieve painful symptoms of a different nature (joint pain, muscle pain, headache, neck pain, etc.).