Curated by Doctor Masino Scutari
The lipoaspiration of the legs consists in "sucking the adipose tissue from the anterior and posterior region of the legs, that is the part of the lower limb that goes from the knee to the ankle.
Tunnels determined by the aspiration of the cannula.
Types of treatment
- The operation can be performed with a cannula connected to a syringe or to an aspirator
- It is performed under local anesthesia
pre intervention
General indications
The indication for surgery will be given after making a differential diagnosis with muscle hypertrophy and lymphedema of the lower limbs.
Preoperative indications
- Photos
- I have been fasting for at least 12 hours
Laboratory and instrumental tests required
Electrocardiogram, Chest x-ray, CBC, Group, BUN, Glycemia, PT, PTT, eg urine.
Postoperative indications
It will be useful to carry out some manual lymphatic drainage sessions to accelerate the reabsorption of edema and hematomas.
Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories will be taken for 3 days after the surgery.
Operative technique
The malleolar region is incised for 1 cm. The area is infiltrated with Klein's solution. Wait about 15 minutes: the infiltrated solution will cause lipolysis, then you will begin to aspirate for homogeneous planes.
Post-operative card:
the operation is absolutely not painful and in the post-operative course the operated part may be modestly painful, edematous with widespread bruising, which will gradually diminish in 10-15 days.
Duration of intervention
the intervention lasts from 40-60 minutes
a few hours of hospitalization as a day-hospital
compression dressing that should be kept day and night for a week. After that, the stitches and dressing are removed. In general, the compression sleeve should be worn for at least one month only during the day. In obese patients it is mandatory to administer calciparin, ie antithromboembolic prophylaxis.
almost inaudible
3-4 days
Liposuction liposculpture 3.000 - 9.000 Euro
Each surgical procedure has a price determined by the individual physical characteristics, the complexity of the case and the operating times.