Such is the discomfort that similar requests cause to every technician in the sector that they can be defined as the nightmare of every personal trainer par excellence.
Seriously, the wave of spring enrollments in fitness centers by users who, during the winter, have not given any thought to their condition, is truly remarkable.
general.In practice, habits of this type involve, in addition to an increase in body weight (borne by the fat mass), a deficit also in terms of total efficiency - for example, there is a lot of effort in taking even a short walk or even in climbing a few steps.
, but the progressive increase in the risk of cardiovascular problems (cardiac fatigue and poor blood circulation or hypertension), osteoarticular (cartilage problems, of the arthritic type, greater risk of arthrosis), metabolic (lipemia, blood sugar, uric acid, etc.) and muscle (hypotonicity , sarcopenia, imbalance between body masses) etc.
Back pain, neck pain, postural problems, metabolic pathologies and cerebral ischemias, in fact afflict many people.
However, those who risk the most from a musculoskeletal point of view are workers, who spend most of their time sitting (employees, drivers, etc.) or standing (cashier, shop assistants, bartenders, etc.) or in incorrect positions.
But what c "does this come in with the phantom costume fitting? C" goes in all right ...
o neophytes mentioned above, at the first experience in the gym "they should" necessarily start from a basic training level, or initial conditioning, characterized by a fairly mild path, with a light impact, aimed at "learning the correct movements and postures .
This first approach is certainly not performing and does not allow for a massive intervention on aesthetics in the short term.
, thanks to building lean mass;- with a higher EPOC potential (increase in post-exercise basal metabolic rate and calorie expenditure, also favoring the consumption of fatty acids);
- with an improvement in the metabolic management of energy macronutrients taken with the diet;
From what has been reported it can be deduced that the setting up of a correct and balanced annual training plan allows to obtain many more and more lasting results over time.
Too much fat mass and too few muscles worsen, on the whole, the state of health itself - due to inflammatory, endocrine factors, etc.
To lose weight you have to eat… first! This means that the caloric cut, however necessary to affect the adipose tissue, must not last too long. The limit is about three months for a low calorie at 70% of the energy that would allow you to maintain the weight. If the cut is higher (for example 50%), it would be better to shorten the cycle to 4-6 weeks - but these are methods challenging and used mostly by agonists.
Resorting to drastic and useless last-minute diets allows for weight loss, but also for lean mass and water, with the real risk at the end of the season of having the so-called yo-yo effect, regaining as well as the old I also weigh a higher percentage of fat mass than at the start of work.
Let's not forget that training is a stimulus that causes stress for the organism which in turn needs the so-called supercompensation period in order to recover and prepare to receive other significantly more intense stimuli, thus having a gradual improvement and a positive adaptation to the type of work required. Cutting calories too much would compromise super compensation and limit progress, in the short and long term.
Obviously it would be more appropriate to delay the weight loss in a year - if we are talking about 5 kg of actual fat - following cycles of muscle strengthening lasting 20 weeks to cutting cycles of only 5 weeks.
This system will not see, perhaps, the pointer of the predetermined kilograms go down, but only because the muscle mass has grown - depending on the goal: rounder and taller sitting, tapered thighs, massive chest and arms, broad backs and shoulders etc. If instead the numerical objective has been reached, congratulations, you have lost much more fat than you had set for yourselves!