Yoga is one of the most famous oriental meditation and relaxation practices in the world and comes in different variants, characterized by as many different purposes. One of these is the yoga of laughter, a form of movement and breathing that has as its primary objectives those of propitiating joy, increasing inner well-being and relieving stress.
he would not be able to distinguish between fake and simulated and real laughter. This means that the positive effects are also the same and that, in the absence of real stimuli that induce laughter, it can also be done artificially. Since you can't always rely on outside influences to laugh, learning to do it yourself can therefore be a valuable in this discipline, who leads the participants through a path consisting of various exercises aimed at promoting fun and laughter. However, once you have learned the technique, nothing prevents you from replicating it on your own.
What happens during the lessons
Most sessions begin with practicing simple breathing techniques, followed by applause and singing to help people relax. Many lessons, for example, kick off with participants clapping their hands rhythmically while intoning laughter-like sounds like "ho-ho, ha-ha-ha".
Although the first few times you do it it may seem silly, the intention of this exercise is to remove any internal judgments and preconceptions and make people let go of any reluctance and learn to take themselves less seriously.
Classes may also include moments of improvisation similar to those that take place in the theater and include the recitation of positive affirmations and breathing and meditation exercises.
such as cortisol and consequently helps to manage it better, also through controlled breathing, which allows greater absorption of oxygen, which in turn activates the parasympathetic nervous system, or the body's natural relaxation system.
Eye Yoga is also an excellent alternative to combat stress.
To relieve stress and keep fit, cardio yoga could be a viable option.
Another type of Yoga that trains different muscles is Sup Yoga.
Long-term effects
There is no doubt that laughing provides immediate benefits, but one of the theses supported by the supporters of this type of yoga is that a regular and daily laugh can also bring benefits in the long term, thanks to a series of physiological mechanisms that would be determined between body and mind.
First, when we laugh, our bodies release endorphins and "happy" hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. Furthermore, laughing also increases energy levels and leads to a more positive mindset. These effects, in addition to being linked to a better mood, would reduce pain sensations, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and decrease levels of depression. A 2019 study also found that simulated laughter would lower depression rates, also due to the ease of implementation that make this technique inclusive and affordable for everyone.
The social aspect is also very important, since laughing together with other people can increase the connection, strengthen relationships and help you feel more relaxed.
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