Parvottanasana is the yoga position of intense lateral stretching. It is a position that stretches the muscles of the back and the posterior chains of the legs and that prepares for positions with forward bending both standing and sitting and that allow you to greatly improve the flexibility of everything. the body In this sequence we propose three variations to be performed first on the right side and then on the left side.
For further information: The openings of the bust in extension and torsion , hips and calves. It stretches the intervertebral joints and strengthens the leg muscles.
The forward bends stimulate the circulation and functions of the abdominal organs, improving digestion. The descent to the bottom and the holding of the position require concentration and strength, the mind is focused on the goal to be achieved and relaxes.
The feet are also strongly engaged in holding the position and this favors the strengthening of the muscles of the soles of the feet, useful for those suffering from flat feet and the strengthening of the ankles.
In general, this sequence improves posture and increases the sense of balance.
This training is done in partnership with Yogaessential