The alcohol level (or alcohol) represents the quantity of ethyl alcohol in the blood; it is expressed in g / l (grams per liter) or in mg / dl (milligrams per deciliter).
There are no methods or substances that allow to eliminate or mask the effects of alcohol, or to alter the results of the analyzes (see: how to sober up).
Currently, in Italy, the legal limit value for alcohol, established for driving, is 0.5 g / L (= 50 mg / dL).
What's this
Alcohol level measures the blood levels of ethanol (called ethyl alcohol or simply alcohol in common parlance).
Ethanol is contained in beverages such as beer, wine and spirits and, if ingested in excessive quantities, can be toxic.
When alcohol is consumed, it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and carried around the body by the bloodstream. Small amounts of ethanol are eliminated in the urine or from the lungs by breathing, but most of it is metabolized by the liver.
The degree of alcoholic intoxication can vary based on various factors, such as age, sex, weight, intake of drugs or drugs that interact with alcohol, amount of food consumed before and during drinking.
In any case, drinking alcoholic beverages faster than it takes the liver to metabolize them can lead to an "increased concentration of ethanol in the blood. This results in the appearance of signs and symptoms such as: red eyes, impaired judgment, drowsiness and / or He retched.
A very high alcohol content, on the other hand, leads to decreased motor skills, irregular breathing, confusion and loss of consciousness.
Excessive use of alcohol for a prolonged time can lead to the development of health problems, such as liver disease and cardiovascular problems.