and anal - sometimes necessary to counteract small discomforts such as vaginal dryness, and to decrease the friction on the anus, which in addition to not being equipped with normal autonomous lubrication, has a rather toned musculature Increased smoothness between the hand and the penis during male masturbation.
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Some lube are endowed with greater ductility; some secondary functions of intimate lubricants are:
- Lubrication in traditional relaxing massage
- Flavoring and sweetening, useful in oral sex
- Delaying male orgasm
- Promote female orgasm
- Which should promote sperm motility - as opposed to the mildly negative effect of these products on the couple's fertility.
There are many types of intimate lubricants, which can be classified, for example, according to:
- Type of solubility and chemical basis - which mainly depend on the use to be made of it (see below)
- Secondary properties - which depend solely on the other added ingredients
- Usage
- Natural or organic base
- Special or specific etc.
This great diversification was born precisely to satisfy the many needs of consumers. In fact, the contact surfaces can be of various kinds; for example: skin on skin, skin on mucosa, silicone on mucosa etc. Some materials - for example sex toys or condoms - are not compatible with certain intimate lubricants, just as certain products should not be used in water as they tend to disperse and lose their effectiveness. Let's go into more detail.