which is located at the base of the first toe (big toe).
autoimmune-diseases endocrinology protein-snacks
The disorder is sustained by an arthritic process that causes a progressive reduction in the mobility of the big toe, which is no longer able to flex and extend. The hallux rigidus is also associated with pain during walking, swelling and the formation of osteophytes between the head of the first metatarsal and the base of the proximal phalanx.
The predisposing factors can be many and include trauma (acute or chronic), some systemic diseases (gout, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.) and anatomical conformation of the foot.
Depending on the stage of degeneration, different solutions for the treatment of hallux rigidus may be indicated to patients.
which develops dorsal to the joint. Joint stiffness can prevent the physiological upward movement of the big toe, as well as limiting simpler gestures, such as wearing shoes.