According to the guidelines for a healthy Italian diet, breakfast should provide about 15-20% of total calories, lunch and dinner 35-40% each, while the remaining 10-15% should be covered by snacks. However, the caloric indication is not sufficient to define the characteristics of a healthy breakfast, and for this reason it must be integrated with some simple advice on the choice of food.
for eight or more hours; as a result, blood sugar is low. By contrast, cortisol levels are higher than at any other time of the day. All this involves a significant muscle catabolism, since low glycemic levels and high concentrations of cortisol favor the use of proteins for energy purposes; unfortunately, less protein in the muscles results in a drop in body metabolism.
Even the unhealthy habit of skipping breakfast contributes to further enhancing the energy use of proteins.
From these simple notions of human physiology comes the recommendation to consume a certain amount of simple sugars during breakfast, in order to raise blood sugar and lower cortisol levels. A fruit juice, a teaspoon of honey to sweeten the coffee, or jam on rusks, are examples of foods rich in simple sugars; even fruit yogurt usually contains a lot of sugar, which is necessary to counteract the acidity of the food.
The second recommendation is to have a complete and balanced breakfast. Not only simple sugars, therefore, but also a certain amount of fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates. Thus, a banana and a few almonds can be the ideal breakfast for those in a hurry, while those who have a little more time can consume a couple of slices of wholemeal bread with some sliced (bresaola, raw ham, turkey, etc.). ) or "low-fat cheese" and a juice (better prepare it yourself or eat a fruit), or partially skimmed milk with wholemeal muesli.
The typical Italian breakfast, bread, butter, milk and jam, or even worse its modern evolution (brioche and cappuccino), lacks fresh food and is low in proteins, minerals and vitamins; moreover, too many calories are obtained from fat, especially when you rely on the goodies of the bars.