The phenomenon of lazy bowel is very common in elderly people, but it can also occur in younger patients due to factors of different origin and nature.
Fortunately, in most cases, this is a minor problem that can be solved by adopting small precautions and lifestyle changes. In some cases, however, the lazy bowel could also be linked to diseases. base not yet diagnosed.
in fact - within certain limits - a slowing of intestinal motility and the appearance of a sluggish intestine are to be considered normal phenomena. The same goes for pregnancy, during which the woman's body undergoes numerous changes, both on a hormonal and physical level, which can favor the decrease of intestinal motility giving rise to the problem of lazy intestine.
On the other hand, in individuals not affected by the aforementioned physiological conditions, the lazy bowel can be caused by:
- Incorrect feeding;
- Insufficient water intake;
- Conditions of psychophysical stress (excessive work or study rhythms, worries, nervous conditions, etc.);
- Sedentary life;
- Pathologies of the enteric tract (for example, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.);
- Taking or abusing certain types of drugs (for example, antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants, antacids, etc.).
Finally, remember that the appearance of a lazy bowel can also occur following surgery, especially if performed at the abdominal level. In fact, intestinal peristalsis could be slowed down both by the anesthetic drugs used and by the surgical operation itself.
they can remain in the enteric tract for long periods, dehydrating and hardening.These phenomena make it even more difficult to expel intestinal contents.Typical symptoms that occur as a consequence of the above conditions consist of:
- Abdominal swelling
- Feeling of nausea and fullness;
- Pain during evacuation;
- Feeling of incomplete emptying after evacuation;
- Bad breath, especially upon waking.
In the event that the lazy bowel represents the consequence of an intestinal pathology, it is possible there is the presence of other characteristic symptoms of the disease in question.