to movement: this allows you to train your muscles more intensively. Among other things, in water, every muscle, in order to move and overcome the resistance of the water itself, must also involve other muscles. So, for example, to do an exercise with water that reaches the height of the thighs, in addition to the muscles of the legs, it is also necessary to involve the muscles of the abdomen and back. The result is that the muscles are trained harmoniously, without over-stimulating them.
In addition, in the water it is much more difficult, therefore, you burn more fat and then you can train even in the hottest moments, when in the city you would be holed up indoors.
In addition, the whirlpools that occur when you move exercise a sort of natural lymphatic drainage on the legs and on the whole body, which stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation.
with weights and free body. It is a way to keep fit and not to lose the training acquired during the year.
But first, it's important to do a few minutes of stretching. It is also okay to simply walk in the sea, with the water at different heights, stretch legs and arms, do some circling of the joints.
Water jogging and water walking are also excellent.
at the hips.It is an exercise that tones the legs and buttocks.
with the legs apart, with the water at chest height.It is an exercise that tones the glutes, thighs and abs.
.This movement tones all the muscles in the body.
.it is very beneficial.