Edited by Dr. Massimo Bonazzelli
The lying leg curl exercise is also known as the lying leg curl
Type of Exercise
Lying Leg Curl is a monoarticular exercise
- Standing leg curl
- Seated leg curl
Lying Leg Curl: Execution
The starting position sees the athlete lying prone on the machine with the knees extended located at the same level as the joint of the machine and the pads behind the ankles. Normally the ankles are kept in dorsiflexion throughout the exercise, but it is possible to perform (in any phase) or maintain a plantar flexion to release part of the effort from the gastrocnemius. behind the ankles. The partial flexion of the hip due to the position of the body reduces the contribution of the sartorius to the flexion of the knee.
Muscles involved in the lying leg curl exercise
Group 0
- Biceps femoris
- Semimembranous
- Semitendinosus
- Sartorio
- Gracile
- Gastrocnemius
- Popliteal
Knee flexion
Function of the stabilizing muscles: Stability of the knee, hip, spine and ankle and of the handle