they are smaller than the norm. Therefore, the microcythemia assumes the meaning of a clinical sign and, as such, can signal the presence of some diseases and guide the process to formulate the definitive diagnosis of the same; β-THALASSEMIA or MEDITERRANEAN ANEMIA: group of hereditary haematological diseases, in which the synthesis of the beta chains of hemoglobin is reduced or absent. In this situation, therefore, the microcythemia takes on the meaning of pathology.
peripheral, of red blood cells of smaller size than normal.
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These smaller elements are defined with several synonyms, including microcytic erythrocytes and microcytes.
The presence of microcytes is frequently correlated to anemia. In this case, in addition to microcythemia, the average concentration of hemoglobin (Hb) contained within the red blood cells is lower and, consequently, the ability of the blood to carry oxygen is reduced.