belonging to the genus Legionella, widespread in the environment: the microorganism is ubiquitous, but is found mainly in water (lakes, canals, swimming pools, hydromassage systems, reservoirs) and prefers hot-humid conditions (over 25 ° C).
Pneumonia from Legionella pneumophila it contracts following the inhalation of very small liquid particles (water droplets nebulized) or solid (airborne dust) contaminated which are suspended in the air. Legionella pneumophila it can easily penetrate through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and reach the lungs. Humans can also contract the infection from ultrasonic nebulizers, humidifiers, aerosol devices and air conditioners.
There Legionella pneumophila it is the main pathogen implicated in legionellosis (or legionnaires' disease).