Drinking an ice cold drink when you are very hot, exposure to a blast of cold air or taking a swim in the sea immediately after a meal triggers a defense reaction on the part of the organism: the brain, in the face of an emergency. , it tries to divert the blood towards itself, in order to maintain the basal temperature. The result is a circulatory imbalance, which causes, in addition to the interruption of the digestive process, a sort of shock.
The person suffering from digestive congestion suddenly turns pale, shivers, sweats cold and feels exhausted. After a few minutes, severe pain appears in the abdomen, with cramps in the pit of the stomach, nausea and vomiting.
In most cases, the problem is transient and manageable with simple remedies, but, in some circumstances, if the person affected by congestion faints or suffers heart failure, due to the heart's attempt to compensate for the circulatory imbalance, the consequences can be dramatic.
, for example, we commonly speak of nasal congestion to indicate the sensation of "stuffy nose" typical of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as colds.without having adequately covered).