and there are about ten in all; the deep inguinal lymph nodes, on the other hand, reside far below the skin, in a structure known as the femoral triangle, and can vary between 3 and 5 units.
The superficial inguinal lymph nodes receive lymph from: genitals, lower abdomen, lower back, anus, perineum, buttocks, thighs and legs; then, they discharge it into the deep inguinal lymph nodes, which communicate, first of all, with the external iliac lymph nodes.
Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes may indicate the presence of an infection, tumor, systemic disease, or the adverse effect of drug treatment.
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The superficial inguinal lymph nodes receive lymph from: genitals, lower abdomen, lower back, anus, perineum, buttocks, thighs and legs; then, they discharge it into the deep inguinal lymph nodes, which communicate, first of all, with the external iliac lymph nodes.
Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes may indicate the presence of an infection, tumor, systemic disease, or the adverse effect of drug treatment.
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