The hums are annoying, continuous or intermittent noises, perceived in the absence of external sound sources; these tinnitus can regress in a short time, therefore constitute a temporary and easily reversible phenomenon, or they can assiduously and permanently distress those affected.
Defined by some as a sort of "imaginary evil of the mind", ringing in the ears can be so violent and intense that it weighs heavily on the quality of life of those affected.
;In some patients, the ringing in the ears occurs with such intensity that it seriously hinders the ability to hear and concentration, also adversely affecting the quality of sleep.
Recall that to define itself as such, a tinnitus proper is a phantom noise perceived exclusively by the affected subject (the people who are close to him do not perceive it).
Tinnitus can sometimes degenerate into significant mental disorders: the incessant and violent buzzing can induce anxiety, depression, irritability and insomnia, as well as causing serious social and relational discomfort.
For further information: Tinnitus Symptoms: useful for designating a possible triggering cause for tinnitus (not always identifiable).Unfortunately, in many cases it is extremely difficult to accurately trace the cause behind the ringing in the ears: for this reason, many drugs are administered exclusively to relieve symptoms, without however directly interacting on the causal factor.
accused, it is advisable to modulate the dosage or, better still, to replace the drug with another one with a similar therapeutic activity. Always consult your doctor before changing therapy.
In general, patients who complain of annoying tinnitus undergo a thorough cleaning of the ears, aimed at removing the ear plugs. Ear hygiene can reduce the perceived ringing.
The drugs most used in therapy for the treatment of tinnitus are:
- Antihypertensive drugs: indicated when the ringing in the ears depends on an "alteration in blood pressure.
- Antibiotic drugs: indicated when the ringing in the ears depends on a bacterial infection (eg otitis, syphilis, meningitis, etc.).
- Antidepressant drugs: These are used to relieve a (rather common) side effect of ringing in the ears: depression. As noted, many patients with severe tinnitus become anxious, depressed and stressed: the thoughtful administration of antidepressant drugs can improve the patient's quality of life. Always consult your doctor before following such therapy.
When the patient does not respond positively to the treatment, an alternative intervention is conceivable through the application of special electrical devices: these particular devices can suppress or reduce the ringing in the ears.
Other articles on Buzzing at the Ears
- Ringing in the Ears
- Remedies for Ringing in the Ears