while immersed in water. It can be carried out at the sea or, even better, in the pool, even wearing a flotation device around the trunk and running in place. The device, in fact, keeps the body suspended, with the head above the surface of the water, allowing the arms and legs to move freely. It has a number of benefits.
It allows you to do a complete workout
A fundamental feature of water jogging is that it allows you to replicate the same type of running that is also performed on dry land. By including it in a general training plan, you can increase cardiovascular effort, improve posture and strengthen muscle strength, all with minimal impact and wear on the body. Running in the water, in fact, significantly reduces the pressure on the large weight-bearing joints, such as the hips and knees. In addition, buoyancy relieves the spine against the forces of gravity, facilitating improvement in overall movement.
It is a "delicate" activity
This activity allows you to reach your physical fitness in a more "delicate" and less impactful way. Suffice it to say that due to the hydrostatic pressure (or the force with which the water pushes against the walls of the pool), the heart rate is about 10 to 15 beats per minute lower when running in the water compared to the same effort on land. .
The water offers great resistance
Aquatic exercise represents a unique form of endurance training: in fact, water has a density 10 times greater than that of air. Vertical positions provide four times greater resistance than horizontal positions such as swimming, training mainly the lower part of the body.
It does not force you to adapt to the outside climate
Water jogging in an indoor pool means you can control the outside temperature. This is an advantage for people who want to avoid running outdoors when doing or training in extremely hot weather in the summer months.
Allows you to do cross-training
Water jogging is perfect for anyone who wants to do a cross workout. For example, if you are preparing us for a marathon or half marathon, including a water jogging workout in your weekly routine improves cardiovascular fitness and running, while reducing impact. on the joints. Also, because water provides resistance, water jogging is similar to running against the wind.
Promotes rehabilitation
Water jogging is excellent for people who have sustained injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments or bones. In fact, it allows them to run without worsening the injury, but rather improving the situation. For example, a 2015 study showed that this type of training during injury rehabilitation can help maintain fitness levels.
, goggles and possibly a floating belt that allows you to run on the spot if you don't feel comfortable in the water. This device also helps to lean forward, just like when running on the street.
Of course, the length of an aqua jogging session depends on your fitness and training goals. However, most workouts last from 30 to 45 minutes. An example of a water jogging workout could be:
- warm-up with easy effort for 5-10 minutes, for example by running smoothly in place or bringing the knees to the chest;
- running from one end of the pool to the other (or from one point of the sea to the other) and jogging backwards with a 50% intensity two to three times;
- perform 10 rounds of 2 minutes of high intensity jogging, followed by 2 minutes of low intensity;
- walk slowly for 5 minutes.
A walk in the water is also useful.
While in the water, try to visualize yourself running outdoors. Think about how your body moves when your feet touch the ground. What position are your arms in? Is your body upright and your core tight? Focus on these elements while training in the water so as to replicate the benefits of training on the road or trail.
and push them down, pull the belly towards the spine.The arms should be bent at a 90 degree angle and swing in the water like a pendulum.