Bone phosphate is an additive derived from the remains of the bones of the carcasses of slaughtered animals, such as cows and pigs. Bone phosphate can be used as an anti-caking agent, but also as a source of phosphorus in food supplements. The main use is in the cosmetic sector, where it is used for example in some toothpastes.
It is a little mentioned additive, but attention must be paid to its presence since - given its origins - there could be a risk of transmission of "mad cow disease". In high doses, bone phosphate decreases the absorption of food calcium.
The origin of this additive makes it unsuitable for consumption by people who embrace thoughts or religions such as the vegan diet, Judaism, Islam or Hinduism.
vegetarian, vegan, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu people should refrain from consuming this additive, the origin of which
ADI DOSE: Up to 70 mg / kg of body weight