Running outdoors is very pleasant, to enjoy this experience even more it is useful to know some strategies to always feel safe.
Tips for Running Safely
- Before you leave the house, let someone know that you are going for a run. Let them know which way you will go or which park you will run to.
- If you go out for a run alone, try to choose a place frequented by other runners or people doing outdoor activities.
- If you go out alone, always carry your cell phone with you. There are apps that allow you to contact the single response centers of the emergency number 112, automatically sending your position
- Use earphones wisely: keep the music very quiet or use just one earphone. But if you run to an isolated place, turn off the music and listen to the noises around you
- Pay attention to the environment around you and learn about unusual signs and attitudes, such as those of men walking alone in the park or cars slowly passing by.
- If you are on a vacation spot and go for a run on isolated streets, consider bringing a means of defense, such as a stinging spray, with you.
- Remember that the best thing to do to avoid risks is to run in company!