Edited by Dr. Massimo Bonazzelli
The barbell inclined bench press exercise is also known as an inclined bench press
Type of Exercise
Barbell incline bench press is a multi-joint / accessory exercise
- Incline bench press with dumbbells
Barbell Incline Bench Press: Execution
The starting position sees the athlete sitting on a bench inclined between 20 ° and 45 °, with his back in his position of strength, legs apart and feet firmly resting on the ground behind the knees to favor the maintenance of the three natural curves of the back and to support the weight more effectively. The elbows are flexed, the wrists straight and the shoulders are adducted and extra-rotated so that the elbow, wrist and bar are exactly aligned in the same vertical plane from a side view. The bar is supported on the upper part of the sternum or on the collarbones as well as on the hands that grab it at a variable distance equal to or greater than that between the shoulders. The execution consists in pushing the barbell upwards on the vertical plane perpendicular to the floor (not to the bench ) on which he was lying before starting, thus trying to draw a segment of a straight line. During the thrust, the shoulders flex in the sagittal plane and abduct on the longitudinal plane, as the elbows extend and the shoulder blades begin to rotate upward in the last third of the movement. The execution ends with the complete extension of the elbows. During the whole execution of the exercise it is advisable to load part of the weight on the feet. The correct execution of this exercise requires a good mobility of the shoulder in the first third of the movement to maintain the position above. described.
Muscles involved in the exercise Barbell incline bench press
Group 0
- Big breastplate
- Anterior deltoid
- Coracobrachialis
- Brachial biceps (weak)
Shoulder flexion
Group 1
- Lateral deltoid
Shoulder abduction
Group 2
- Brachial triceps
- Anconeus
Elbow extension
Group 3
- Inferior bundles of the large thoracic dentate
- Lower bundles of the trapezius
- Intermediate beams of the trapezius
Upper scapular rotation
Function of the stabilizing muscles: Stability of the shoulder, shoulder blade, elbow, grip, torso, hip, knee, ankle and foot