At the end of the pregnancy, the breech presentation represents in itself an "anomaly and correlates to some risk for the future mother and the child, as the vaginal delivery is more complex.
Normally, the cephalic presentation facilitates natural birth: the head is the first part to come out, as well as the most delicate, followed by the rest of the body. In breech birth, the opposite happens: the head is up, while the butt or feet are down, ready to be channeled into the birth canal.
Before the expected date of delivery, it is possible to implement some maneuvers to try to correct the breech position of the fetus.
To encourage spontaneous overturning before breech birth, for example, it is possible to resort to external manipulation of the abdomen (carried out by medical and specialized personnel, in a hospital setting) or to try alternative techniques (such as postural exercises and moxibustion). in which these interventions are not effective, the gynecologist may indicate a caesarean section to facilitate the birth of the child and prevent complications.
The breech birth must be followed by a gynecologist and an "expert obstetrician, able to carry out specific assistance maneuvers, even in an emergency regime" (eg premature detachment of the placenta, prolapse of the umbilical cord, etc.).
. When delivery is breech it means that the fetus is positioned with the bottom down and the legs are flexed or extended., accreta, anterior etc.) can, in some cases, favor this situation;