Taking part in a birth accompaniment course and a post-partum course means taking care of your psycho-physical well-being - and that of your child - in the most unique and extraordinary moment of your life.
Pregnancy, as a rule, is an absolutely natural and physiological event and every woman possesses within herself all the necessary skills to "make it" brilliantly on her own.
Furthermore, the nine months of gestation involve a series of important anatomical, hormonal and emotional changes affecting the pregnant woman, her body and her mind. Positive and functional changes to a good pregnancy, but such as to involve even delicate moments of rupture and reconstruction, redefinition of oneself, of one's image, of one's needs and expectations. Every human transformation, every evolution, even the most positive, necessarily passes through paths of articulated intensity. Becoming a mother, from this point of view, is no exception. The deepest chords of one's identity and experience are touched, stimulated, amplified. All personal resources are called into question. We pass to a new phase of our existence.
Again, the woman does not need someone to "teach" her how to do it. On the other hand, such a figure could not exist. Every woman is different from another. Every pregnancy is different from another. There are no absolute and generalizable rules for all, unless you want to reduce the experience of birth to a cold technical event, in which the woman renounces her own skills and centrality, to be reduced to a mere work tool in the hands of the doctor and the various operators.
On the other hand, what can be useful - perhaps indispensable - to the future mother is someone who accompanies her, assists her, supports her and contains her on her own personal journey towards motherhood. Someone who first of all knows how to listen. Know how to understand its times and its modalities. Someone who knows how to plan and carry out all the stages of this splendid adventure with her.
There are currently several types of childbirth accompanying courses. They usually start in the fourth or sixth month of pregnancy; very hardly in the first quarter. The choice of the course to participate in naturally depends on a "careful analysis and evaluation of the organizer", of his experience and competence, of his nature, of his approach, of his basic philosophy, of his program and of his target audience.
Traditionally, it is above all hospitals and counseling centers that offer this kind of services, even if over time various associations and private structures (including gyms and swimming pools) have sprung up throughout the country, oriented towards the organization and alternative offer of this type of activity. .
This is why not all pre-birth courses can be considered the same or interchangeable; and this is why, before making any definitive choice, the user should now carefully evaluate and define their real needs and expectations and then compare them with the wide and articulated range of proposals now available on the market.
The advantage of following a pre-birth course in the hospital is generally linked to the possibility of knowing better and in advance the atmosphere, the protocols and the operators of the structure in which you intend to go to give birth. As well as the presence inside the structure itself. of the doctor or midwife with whom you are followed in pregnancy and with whom you would also like to be assisted at the time of birth.
Other articles on "Childbirth Accompaniment Courses"
- second part accompanying courses for childbirth
- third-party childbirth accompanying courses
- courses accompanying the fourth part of childbirth