; at other times, this manifestation is the consequence of pathologies affecting the joint itself, the bone structures or the surrounding ligaments, tendons, bags or soft parts.Most of the joints belong to the category of diarthrosis, mobile joints formed by different elements, the main ones of which are: articular surfaces of the two or more affected bones; joint cavity; joint capsule; synovial fluid, ligaments and tendons. Diarthroses allow for the widest variety of movement. Typical examples are the shoulder, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle joints. On the other hand, amphiarthrosis are semi-mobile cartilage joints. An example is the joints that connect the vertebrae of the spine. Synarthroses are immobile joints, consisting of bone, cartilage and connective tissue. Typical examples of synarthrosis are the joints between the bones of the skull.
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Joint pain can also be radiated from a neuropathic condition or pathology in "another joint."
The most common causes include trauma, arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, gout, osteoarthritis and bursitis. Pain can occur in combination with swelling, redness, warmth, joint stiffness and loss of function in the affected joint.
Joint pain may be transient in duration and resolve spontaneously. However, if this symptom is persistent and particularly severe, it is always best to see a doctor in order to get an accurate diagnosis. Depending on the triggering cause of joint pain, specific and targeted treatment will be indicated to solve or alleviate the problem.
. In the body, there are 360 of them and their function is essential to ensure the movement, support and protection of the skeleton.