The most important international event dedicated to longevity and anti-aging in Italy: on March 30 and 31 a digital forum with over 40 free appointments to learn about the new frontiers of science and well-being at 360 degrees with doctors, researchers and testimonials from well-known faces such as Francesca Chillemi, Martina Colombari and Victoria Cabello. Is it possible to slow down the aging process and how? What are the latest discoveries in the medical-scientific field that will allow us to live better and longer? How much, starting from our genetic heritage, can we "plan" a longer life?
The BE WISE: Longevity & Anti-Aging World Forum will try to answer these and other questions on 30 and 31 March, the first and most important event in Italy dedicated to the themes of longevity and prevention as the only tool, starting from when you are very young, to slow down the aging process and live better and longer. A great free event, conceived and organized by the Wise Society in collaboration with important medical-scientific partners, which inaugurates the decade 2021-2030 dedicated by the World Health Organization to Healthy Aging and healthy living.
Over forty digital events, including masterclasses, talks and free workshops, which will alternate, under the direction of a prestigious scientific committee chaired by Professor Damiano Galimberti, expert in DNA and president of the Italian Association of Anti-Aging Doctors, researchers, doctors, companies at the forefront, trainers, professionals and experts in the sector.
All engaged in the research and development of innovative approaches - from genomics to precision medicine, passing through nutrition and healthy lifestyles - capable of promoting the psychophysical well-being of the individual, helping him to live longer and age well, with important implications both for individuals and for society as a whole. Together with them also well-known faces - among all, Francesca Chillemi, Martina Colombari and Victoria Cabello - who will bring their personal experience of how, through healthy lifestyles, a new balance and more energy can be found for a better and lasting psychophysical well-being. .
"Every human being is unique and unrepeatable, so an increasingly personalized approach to medicine and lifestyles will become central to guaranteeing people a longer and healthier life. Because what is good for an individual does not necessarily do the same. good to another It all depends on the genes - the building blocks of our DNA - and a lot of the future of human knowledge is at stake on them, on which the possibility of preserving our health over time and lowering the risk of getting sick will depend ", explains the president of the scientific committee Damiano Galimberti.
"The objective of the Forum, which will take place annually and will become the reference point on these very important issues, given the considerable lengthening of the average length of human life, is to inform and sensitize the general public towards a culture of prevention at all. the levels ", underlines Antonella Di Leo, editor and CEO of Wise Society. "Every appointment", continues Di Leo, "It will have, in fact, a very practical and informative cut, within everyone's reach, with the aim of promoting active, not passive well-being, because prevention starts from afar, since we are young, and healthy girls and boys today will be healthier adults and seniors tomorrow, with positive repercussions for all, not only in terms of health, but also socio-economic ".
The plenary session entitled "The great challenge of" healthy aging: data, perspectives, experiences and new opportunities will open the Forum on 30 March at 10 am. Points of view compared "with eminent experts and researchers in the field of longevity and anti-aging to interpret data and trends, analyze experiences, such as those of Italian centenarians, take stock of new frontiers, new studies and new techniques that will help us to live longer and better.
Following, over forty appointments including workshops, talks and masterclasses (here the complete program) declined according to 4 different thematic areas: Be Healthy (well-being and nutrition), Be Beautiful (beauty for the body and well-being for the mind), Be Active ( movement and physical activity), Be Safe (indoor pollution and air quality).
The National Congress AMIA (Associazione Medici Italiani Anti-Aging), the most important annual update, now in its 14th edition, on the topics of medicine will take place in parallel with the more popular events addressed to the general public. preventive anti-aging and nutrigenomics for doctors, biologists, dieticians and pharmacists.
BE WISE - Longevity and Anti-Aging World Forum, organized by the Wise Society, makes use of the partnership and the presence of representatives of important scientific realities, including the Italian Association of Anti-Aging Doctors, the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, the Valter Longo Foundation, the Superior Institute of Health , European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine, Academy of Fitness Wellness and Anti-Aging, Italian Society of Environmental Medicine, National Federation of Italian Parapharmacies, Confestetica and FederSalus.
To follow all the events in streaming for free, simply register on the platform
Program and updates: BE WISE: Longevity & Anti-Aging World Forum
To participate: Registration form
For interviews with the protagonists of the Forum and any other information: Wise Society editorial staff | Program manager and press contact person: Vincenzo Petraglia, [email protected], 349.3980602 - 02.45471407.