In this article we will talk about how to choose between iron supplements for endurance and above all how to establish a reasonable dosage, obviously subject to the approval of the treating doctor.
For further information: Importance of Iron in Endurance and metabolic) given by prolonged aerobic sessions, the body tends to increase the synthesis of hemoglobin and therefore of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) that contain it.In the endurance athlete also increases the excretion of iron and, more particularly, of that expelled through the urine; on the other hand, faecal and haemorrhagic losses do not seem to be affected.
It is therefore reasonable to assume that several endurance athletes, but more rarely frequent frequenters of cardio-fitness courses (aerobic dance, step, fit-box, tone-up, pump, aerobic circuits, power aerobic, cardio fit training, etc.), may be characterized by low blood iron levels and / or by a greater risk of sports (iron deficiency) anemia.
For further information: Iron Requirement in Endurance of iron in endurance athletes should only occur after having ascertained the need for it.