See also: fat mass, fat mass calculation
Normal Values
Percentage of Normal Fat in both sexes
By examining the scientific literature, the percentage of body fat considered acceptable (normal range) is compre
knows between 10% and 18% for men and between 18% and 26-28% for women. The different percentage of body fat between men and women is determined by the greater quantity of "essential" fat of the woman (12% against 3-5% of the "man) and by the different hormonal equipment (which favors a greater accumulation of lean mass in the "man). In the female population, the fat mass is typically concentrated at the level of the breasts and hips; for this reason it is functional to pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Essential fat
Primary or essential fat represents the amount of fat contained in the central nervous system, bone marrow, mammary glands, kidneys, spleen and other tissues.
Considering the particular anatomical localization, essential fat has a physiological role of primary importance, to the point of being considered the minimum percentage of fat mass compatible with a state of good health.
When the percentage of body fat drops to only the amount of essential fat or a little more, the body is affected; for example, there is a greater susceptibility to infections in men and amenorrhea, often accompanied by osteopenia, in women .
Storage fat
The storage fat - which added to the primary fat gives us the amount of total body fat - is concentrated at the subcutaneous, thoracic - abdominal (visceral), intra and intermuscular levels.
Compared to the general population, the percentages of body fat desirable for physically active subjects, and even more so for high level athletes, are generally lower.
Normal Values
Percentage of total body fat for the different categories of subjects
5,0 - 13,0
12,0 - 22,0
Active people
12,0 - 18,0
16,0 - 25,0
Slightly overweight
19,0 - 24,0
26,0 - 31,0
> 24,0
> 31,0
How to measure it
Several methods have been developed to measure the percentage of body fat. Here are the links to the main articles:
- plicometry
- the bioimpedance
- body surface area and body fat calculation
- BMI and body fat percentage