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Just think of how many methods, and related theories, can be encountered by doing even a brief search on the internet. Everyone seems to have their say, which is why users often find themselves in difficulty in their choice. However, it is advisable to choose a "real" professional; he will not be the one with the highest number of qualifications, nor necessarily a doctor, but the one who has completed the specific course of study.
That of the food therapist is a real profession that "should" have a specific university academic training. The use of the quoted conditional does not want to give a forcefully polemical tone, let alone introduce any dispute on the regulations in force, but it is however fair to know that there are specific degree courses conceived for the professional training of the food therapist, which are: the specialization of courses in medicine in food sciences (four years), dietetics (three years entirely dedicated to dietetics and diet therapy) and human nutrition sciences (two years reserved for those who already have a first level degree). Only doctors can diagnose the disease, prescribe tests and drugs.
In Italy, the most sought-after professional figure is that of the nutritionist. However, very few are aware of the fact that there is no real legal qualification. A nutritionist is defined not only as a successful completion of human nutrition sciences, but any physician or biologist working in the "field of nutrition" - dieticians are therefore excluded, but can still exercise as such. Reading "nutritionist" therefore runs the risk of putting oneself in the hands of those who may not have studied nutrition, nutrition and dietetics at all. Dietitians and nutritionists (all) can prescribe diets but only in the physiological context; in the field of overt pathology, the supervision of a doctor is required. In addition, personal trainers and sports technicians do not belong to any of the above categories and can limit themselves exclusively to dietary advice.
This is why it is advisable to always deepen the study path of the future therapist, who must have performed at least one of the three paths mentioned above.
For further information: Best Way to Lose Weight to eat less (by secreting a hormone called leptin), on the contrary it stimulates the energy intake with the diet. There is a strong correlation between the metabolic and endocrine activity of adipose tissue, and the action of other important hormones such as insulin - which we will see later.
However, it is useless to go around it; dysfunctions and pathologies aside, the only real cause of adipose fat accumulation is the excessive intake of caloric foods and beverages in function of the total energy expenditure.
This correlation is called caloric balance and could be summarized as follows: [energy IN - energy OUT]; the first is obviously that taken with the diet and the second that dispersed through metabolic processes. For example, by eating 10 and consuming 5 you have a positive caloric balance (+5), and this determines an "anabolic (or building) action which specifically translates into the accumulation of adipose fat. Vice versa (IN 5 and OUT 10) , a negative caloric balance (-5) is obtained, resulting in a "catabolic action (ie demolition) or the depletion of excess adipose fat.
To learn more: How to get motivated to lose weight , 3 of which also have a caloric function. They are carbohydrates (3.75 kcal / 100 g), lipids (9 kcal / 100 g) and proteins (4 kcal / 100 g) - ethyl alcohol, which cannot be used directly in the cells, is converted into fatty acids providing 7 kcal / 100 g.The sum of these energetic macro-nutrients determines the caloric value of a food, therefore of the recipe and dish, of the meal and finally of the diet. The fact that these nutrients also have other metabolic functions and destinations does not disprove this mechanism: calories matter.