, whose dexterity is acquired only after a few applications. After fixing the small conical / cylindrical toothbrush on its head, the brush is ready to be used.
Experts recommend sliding the brush between your teeth first of brushing: in this way, the cleaning action of the brush is facilitated. Furthermore, passing the brush before the brush allows the active ingredients of the toothpaste (eg fluoride or whitening agents) to reach even the interdental fissures.
How to use the Pipe Cleaner
Similarly to dental floss, the brush should be slid into the gap between tooth and tooth: the horizontal movement (forward-backward) must be performed with extreme caution and as much delicacy to avoid unnecessarily traumatizing the gums.
In the upper arch the brush must be pushed from top to bottom, while in the lower arch the movement will be opposite (from bottom to top). Its displacement, which must be horizontal, should create a slight friction between the walls. of the teeth, in order to mechanically eliminate the plaque present there, while at the same time exerting a massage on the gum.
An excellent cleaning of the bacterial mat deposited between tooth and tooth requires to pass the brush at least three times for each interdental space.
After cleaning all the teeth with the brush, it is recommended to rinse the mouth vigorously with the mouthwash, preferably enriched with fluoride. The mouthwash, in addition to refreshing the mouth, helps to improve the breath and strengthen the dental enamel, at the same time favoring the elimination of plaque or food fragments previously removed with the brush.
The cleaning of the teeth must be particularly meticulous if there are dental prostheses, fillings, capsules, or other areas of greater retention.
, aimed at encouraging the blood circulation of the gums between tooth and tooth. For this purpose, the brush - as well as the gingival stimulator - is recommended for patients with receding gums.The regular use of the brush also prevents the formation of plaque and tartar in the interdental space, thus reducing the risk of dental infections such as caries, gingivitis and abscesses. Remember that a deposit of tartar already formed can be effectively removed only through scaling (professional dental hygiene).
Caries and dental infections in general tend to develop right from the interdental spaces. From this consideration we understand how it is essential to always ensure a thorough and thorough cleaning of the teeth. If not thoroughly cleaned, food residues and bacteria gradually accumulate in the interdental spaces, thus exposing them to the risk of tooth decay, toothache and gingival inflammation.
or dental malocclusion. In such circumstances, the use of the brush would irritate or unnecessarily traumatize the gums precisely because the very thin space between tooth and tooth even hinders the passage of the thin metal sheet on which the bristles are mounted.The use of the brush is also contraindicated in the period immediately following the extraction of a tooth, since, in the following 5-7 days, the area in which the operation was performed appears sensitive, swollen and painful. during this period, we do not recommend the use of the interdental brush or any other instrument for interdental cleaning in the teeth close to the extraction point.
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