The same annoying phenomenon also manifests itself in everyday actions, without wearing the mask. For example, when a temperature change occurs and you go from a cold environment to one where the temperature is higher, you drink hot drinks, get close to the boiling water, open the dishwasher, jog and other activities. outdoors.
that have sturdy laces. Beware of home-sewn masks: not only are they not equipped with filters and do not provide total protection from the risks of infection, as the atmospheric dust and saliva droplets would still be able to pass through the fabric, but often fail to adhere perfectly to the face. Better to prefer the Ffp2 and Ffp3 masks and resort to do-it-yourself only as a last resort or to go to low-risk places.
The most suitable masks against fogging of the glasses
The disposable mask in three-layer non-woven fabric seems to be the most suitable against fogging of the lenses of the glasses. This type of device is breathable and guarantees protection against dust, pollutants, pollen, but being anti-fog it is perfect for also be used under the regulatory anti-virus surgical masks in places with a high risk of contagion, and alone in places where the risk is low and social distance is guaranteed.
and swimmers to prevent blurred vision in motion., that's why you should always remember to take them off in the evening.
. It is a cultural issue and a necessary precaution adopted especially by those who live in the metropolis. The method tested by the Japanese, practicable with the surgical mask, consists in folding a small layer of the upper part of the mask inwards, or to fold a paper handkerchief and insert it inside the mask: it will absorb excess moisture, preventing the vapor from spreading upwards, fogging the lenses.