Humana has been present in Italy since 1972 with products dedicated to the nutrition and well-being of children, with the mission of making them grow according to nature.
Attention to children translates into attention to mothers and women, starting with those who work in the company.
Gender Equality for Humana Italia is a natural process that has already started some time ago. A path that has led to the development of policies and projects that aim to protect and enhance the contribution of the female component within the staff, to ensure fair treatment and to protect motherhood and parenthood more generally.
There are many examples: corporate welfare which provides for reimbursements for asylum, babysitting or school texts; nutritional training for expectant mothers, the presence of information and training services dedicated to supporting gender equality, packages of products and services dedicated to mothers and fathers with children from 0 to 3 years to finish with corporate volunteering activities aimed at foreign mothers with Italian lessons, baby sitting and study support.
Humana's commitment to gender equality is felt within the company and is confirmed by the internal employee satisfaction survey, which shows that it is widely believed that in Humana Italia there is equal treatment and opportunities in statistically significant compared to market benchmarks.
«For Humana, gender equality is therefore already a reality. Today the company has decided to give even more value to the path it has undertaken, by engaging in the certification process in Gender Equality through the Winning Women Institute »says Patrizio Paterna, CEO of Humana Italia.
The announcement of the start of the certification process was given during the meeting of the States General World of Work "Innovation, development, sustainability" held in Turin on 28 September where companies, professionals and institutions from all over the world of work met to share prospects and solutions for the future.
The certification provides for four evaluation criteria: opportunities for growth in the company, remuneration equity, the policy for managing gender diversity and the policy for the protection of motherhood.
«The certification in Gender Equality demonstrates how much Humana believes that equal pay and professional growth for women are a great opportunity for the development of the company and society in general. Another way to raise children, mothers and contribute to a better future »says Anna Lisa Amorese, Marketing Director of Humana Italia.