Edited by Dr. Luca Franzon
With September just around the corner, the time has come to put away the umbrella and deck chairs to get back to training. The decalogue of the good fitness practitioner says that even in summer one should train and not stay lazy for three months, at the same time, however, many people believe it is right to do the opposite!
Unfortunately, in three months of hiatus you risk losing much of what you had achieved with so much effort and sweat in the long and good winter.
The big problem is to restart and do it in a rational and productive way so that the new season bears its fruits.
Surely the first advice is to start again slowly, with the right calm and the right intensity, the apparatuses that were well trained at the beginning of the summer are now "rusty" and a too intense start would only lead to problems and perhaps traumas.
The ideal situation would be to restart with the beginner's card, but I understand that for those who have been training for a while, seeing themselves relegated is not a small setback.
In this regard, I propose a form in which everyone decides what exercises to do according to the desire you have the day you train.
In this article, I report a sheet in which only basic exercises will be used, because they have a high muscular synergy, because they are more educational from a proprioceptive and coordinative point of view and because they are therefore well suited to a recovery card.
Without forgetting the fundamental warm-up phase done with a light aerobic activity, the central part will be performed by choosing a basic exercise for each muscle group and performing three sets of 12/15 repetitions with one minute of recovery.
Flat or inclined bench with barbell or dumbbells or multipower, chest press.
Slow back or forward with dumbbells or barbell, shoulder press, pull to the chin.
Standing barbell or dumbbell curls.
Standing calf machine, multipower calf, press calf.
Deadlift, 90 ° leg press
Leg presses, squats, multipower squats, front lunges.
Pull-ups any grip (wide, medium, reverse), barbell rowing, pulley, t-bar, rowing machine grip tight to the abdomen.
Rowing machine with wide chest handle, pulley shaft at the chest.
French press lying on the bench, pushes on the horizontal bench, close grip, triceps to parallels.
This schedule will be done for two weeks with a training interval of three times a week. By then the muscular system, which is said to have some memory, will have removed the rust and be ready for something more serious.
At this point it is advisable to switch to a P.H.A. in which muscle groups anatomically distant from each other are trained. Eg:
You will perform 8/10 repetitions without recovery between one exercise and the other. Only at the end of the circuit it will be possible to rest for 3/4 minutes, only to start over and repeat the circuit 3 times. The card will be followed for 3/4 weeks , at the end of which you will be ready for more severe workouts aimed at the goals you want to achieve. This will be a workout that will train the muscular and cardio-respiratory systems at the same time.
Seemingly simple in practice hard enough. In a nutshell to try.