Curated by Simone Forte
"Natural Body Building" means building your body without the use of doping and illegal substances, the way to go is harder and longer but surely the results obtained with your own strength will last over time.
For both beginners and advanced, the three main concepts are the same: Training, Nutrition, Rest.
These three main concepts could be combined with a fourth, Integration, which is not indispensable but useful.
You need to plan your training so that it includes these three cycles: Strength, Mass, Definition.
To get an "increase in muscle strength you need to work in the alactic anaerobic range, for example: heavy weights, few repetitions, long recovery times."
As for the mass, the training range is the anaerobic lactic acid, for example: 80% of the maximum weight, stay around 10 repetitions, recovery times between 60 and 90 seconds.
Regarding the definition or "quality" of muscle, you need to work both with weights by increasing the repetitions with respect to the mass cycle and increase aerobic work, such as interval training.
Obviously all the work performed both for strength, rather than for mass, rather than for the definition must be accompanied by proper nutrition and proper recovery between the days of training that must be planned with respect to the period in which you are working.
A "programmed diet for the definition could never go hand in hand with a program of strength as a" programmed feeding for strength could not go hand in hand with a program for hypertrophy (mass).
The human body does not respond to the stimuli given in a mathematical way, that is, in mathematics if we add 1 + 1 + 1 we have as a result 3, in training if we add the muscular work with a correct sequence we will have as a result no longer 3 but 5.
So the important thing is to plan correctly not only workouts in the gym, but daily life in 24 hours, you will thus obtain surprising results both from the point of view of well-being and beautiful being.