This is because they perform numerous functions and a possible weakness not only penalizes the expression of strength in the most complex gestures (from weight lifting to athletics), but also affects general functionality and posture maintenance.
That said, unfortunately the abdominals are trained mostly (and for no reason) for aesthetic purposes, often committing "gross" errors which, instead of improving the state of form, can exacerbate annoying problems such as widespread back pain. A classic example is that of the sit-up with straight or blocked legs, which overloads the iliac psoas instead of the rectum of the abdomen and other synergists.
In this article we will try to understand how to improve the state of shape of our abdomen, not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for health.
, chest, pelvis;However, when we talk about abdominals, we mostly mean those "visible" anteriorly and laterally; we are talking above all about: straight, oblique (external and internal) and transverse. On the other hand, the rear groups are excluded.
This is because the collective interest is mainly oriented to the display of the six-pack. The population that trains this district to improve itself from an athletic, functional and preventive-rehabilitative point of view is decidedly less numerous.
Apart from this attitude, the fact remains that the abdominals make up a large part of the core, that is the body core; this, activating, stabilizes the organism and is very important both from a postural and athletic point of view.
The stability of the trunk is not in fact exclusively delegated to the musculature of the rachis and thorax; everything else. Each district performs a very specific function and any decompensation can affect other parts, both muscle-tendon and osteo-articular. This explains why the reduced functionality of the abdominal muscles must be included among the main causes of ache back and body are among the most common mistakes in the execution of certain sports movements.
As always, however, there is a downside. In fact, even training the abdomen "badly" you can get a negative result for the back, in the next paragraph we will try to better understand how to avoid this inconvenience.
or rachis is the name of a sequence of 33 vertebrae articulated together and separated by cartilaginous discs. It is divided into 3 regions: cervical, thoracic and lumbo-sacral. The skull rests at the upper vertex, the ribs join in the thoracic area - the upper limbs articulate thanks to the clavicles and shoulder blades - and the pelvis (on which the lower limbs are attached) is found at the lower apex.The spine is not straight, but characterized by three specific curves (a cervical lordotic, a thoracic kyphotic and a lumbar lordotic) essential to correctly distribute the load on the vertebrae and discs.
The resistance on the column is equal to the number of curves squared + 1, that is, R = (Nc x Nc) +1.
We have said that the curves of the column are 3; hence, R = 32 +1.
By reducing (flattening) or deforming one of the curves laterally (scoliosis), the mechanical strength of the spine decreases dramatically - "eliminating" a curve, according to calculations, it could even be halved.
Due to postural alterations from paramorphisms or dysmorphisms, incorrect postural attitudes, trauma, etc., the structure of the spine may in fact not be optimal, incorrectly managing loads and giving rise to painful symptoms or even anatomical-functional complications..
as well as in overload and in dynamism.
This attitude serves to correctly distribute the forces on the "entire" chain, increasing its resistance (especially to compression).
But be careful, we are not saying that, for anyone, it is enough to have very strong abdominals to prevent any trauma to the back. This speech certainly has a "crucial importance for sedentary people, but not for athletes. Usually, in fact, the latter boast an already satisfying abdominal tone, while it is more important that they refine a good technique of execution of the specific athletic gesture, or other details. (so to speak) like proper breathing.