Edited by Dr. Massimo Bonazzelli
The Barbell pullover exercise is also known as the Barbell pull over
Type of Exercise
Barbell Pullover is a Monoarticular / accessory exercise
- Pullover to the car
Barbell Pullover: Execution
The starting position sees the athlete lying on his back on a flat bench with the buttocks, upper back, shoulder blades and head always in contact with it and with the feet firmly resting on the ground. The shoulders are completely or almost completely flexed depending on the Individual Mobility The elbows are almost fully extended and there should be no changes in their angle for the duration of the exercise. The barbell is held with the hands at a distance equal to or greater than that between the shoulders. The execution consists in extending (with a shoulder width grip) or extending / adducing (with a grip greater than shoulder width) the shoulders until the barbell is almost perpendicular to the ground, to maintain constant tension on the affected muscles; it is therefore advisable to finish the run when the bar is above the athlete's forehead.
Muscles involved in barbell pullover exercise
Group 0
- Great dorsal
- Big round
- Inferior bundles of the pectoralis major
- Long head of the brachial triceps
Shoulder extension (partial)
Group 1
- Coracobrachialis
Shoulder adduction (wide grip only)
Function of the stabilizing muscles: Stability of the shoulder, shoulder blade, elbow, grip and torso