Carpal tunnel is a fairly common nerve compression disorder that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the wrist, hand, and fingers.
The cause of this problem is rarely a single one; in fact, carpal tunnel syndrome is usually the result of a combination of several factors.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome worsen over time and tend to become more acute and unbearable during the night.
Most often, a careful physical examination is sufficient to diagnose this disorder; however, in some cases, the doctor is forced to resort to further checks, in order to make sure that no other pathologies are in progress.
Carpal tunnel therapy can be conservative or surgical, depending on the severity and duration of the symptoms.
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The cause of this problem is rarely a single one; in fact, carpal tunnel syndrome is usually the result of a combination of several factors.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome worsen over time and tend to become more acute and unbearable during the night.
Most often, a careful physical examination is sufficient to diagnose this disorder; however, in some cases, the doctor is forced to resort to further checks, in order to make sure that no other pathologies are in progress.
Carpal tunnel therapy can be conservative or surgical, depending on the severity and duration of the symptoms.
, which passes through the wrist, through a structure known precisely as the carpal tunnel.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of nerve compression syndrome; nerve compression syndromes are special conditions that, as the name suggests, arise from the crushing of a nerve.