Unlike the hard palate (ie the anterior region of the palate), the soft palate is devoid of the bony component, but is equipped with an "important set of muscles (including the tensor of the velum palatine, the m. Palatoglossus, the m. . palato-pharyngeal, the levator levator palatine veil and the uvula muscle).
The soft palate borders on: the hard palate, anteriorly; the nasopharynx, posteriorly; the oropharynx, inferiorly; the nasal cavities and the entrance to the Eustachian tube, superiorly.
The soft palate has both a "sensory innervation and a" motor innervation (which is used to control the aforementioned muscles).
The soft palate contributes to correct swallowing and, during phonation, guarantees the emission of velar consonants.
Cleft palate deserves a mention among the most well-known pathologies that can affect the soft palate.