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Anemophilic (airborne) pollens represent the main allergens of the disease: they are widely spread in the environment and, due to their small size, can be inhaled and penetrate the respiratory tract, giving rise to the typical clinical manifestations of the disease.
The pollen grains are released into the atmosphere with specific characteristics for each single plant.
, especially against early or pre-spring flowering trees (Cupressaceae, Betulaceae, Corylacee);The creation of pollen calendars makes it possible to identify the following seasons:
- Winter / pre-spring.
In the first months of the year, the pollens of some arboreal plants appear: Betulaceae (Alder), Corylaceae (Core) e Cupressaceae. Subsequently, pollen from the Oleaceae (Ash) and of Salicaceae (Poplar and Willow). Platano pollen is observed between March and April. - Spring.
In addition to the pollen of numerous tree plants Betulaceae (Birch), Corylaceae (Hornbeam), Fagaceae (oak and beech), Oleaceae (Ash and Olive), Cypress, Platano and Pine, pollen from herbaceous plants such as Urticaceae and the Graminaceae. Poplar and Willow pollen disappear. - Summer season.
Characterized above all by the presence of pollen from herbaceous plants such as Urticaceae And Compositae (Ambrosia and Artemisia). The pollens of tree plants detected are those of Chestnut and Pine.
Mazzolina Grass
Other articles on "Pollen Allergy and Blooming Calendar"
- Allergy to pollen
- Pollen Allergy - Symptoms
- Pollen Allergy - Diagnosis
- Pollen Allergy - Cures and Treatments
- Pollen Allergy - Vaccination and Immunotherapy
- Pollen allergy: prevention, advice and natural remedies