We will also deal with debunking some myths or simply denying certain theorists that, with the best of intentions, have contributed to establishing big errors in nutrition aimed at aesthetic culture. Nevertheless, the same principles we will talk about would also apply to diet therapy, but the clinical nutrition is a rather delicate field which, in this case, we prefer to exclude.
Note: the text will not be highly scientific, to facilitate a better understanding by all users, and will instead have an informative and above all educational purpose.
diluted in the blood; it is measured in milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dl) of plasma or in millimoles (mmol).
A blood glucose value, measured in fasting mode, between 60 and 110 mg / dl is considered normal.
To maintain itself within this interval, the organism is equipped with complex homeostatic mechanisms, which we will mention later.
What is glucose?
Glucose is a soluble carbohydrate (carbohydrate / glycide / carbon hydrate) monosaccharide with formula C6H12O6.
This is the most important energy substrate of the organism and essential for survival; this is undeniable, even though it is not the only source of energy that can be used by the tissues.