The message that is often conveyed by the advertising campaigns of these products means that anyone may need to take vitamin supplements, to keep stress under control, to cope with the most intense periods of work / study, to counteract aging. or to face the thousands of daily tensions Many, however, wonder if all this is true.
In the course of this article, therefore, we will try to answer this doubt by describing the main characteristics, usefulness and effectiveness of vitamin supplements.
available in different formulations (for example, tablets, capsules, granules, etc.), containing different types of vitamins and used to supplement the normal diet.
According to current legislation, these supplements must be considered as food products; therefore, it is not about drugs.
. Although some of them are produced by the body, to fully satisfy the needs it is necessary to introduce them in the diet.Vitamins can be divided into two large groups:
- Fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K;
- Water-soluble vitamins, which are the B vitamins and vitamin C.
Vitamins are found in both plant and animal foods; many of these, however, are thermolabile, so they tend to decompose with heat. In particular, the vitamins of group B and vitamin C are particularly susceptible, which - in addition to decomposing due to the action of high temperatures - are also sensitive to light and contact with water. The fat-soluble vitamins, on the other hand, do not undergo any decrease. relevant with cooking. In the light of what has just been said, therefore, it is clear that only the intake of fresh and raw foods can guarantee the maximum intake of vitamins.
For each vitamin, recommended intake levels have been defined, below which it is advisable not to go down in order to avoid the onset of deficiencies and related disorders. The recommended vitamin levels, however, can be reached with a healthy and varied diet.
The table below shows the main sources of vitamins and the most common symptoms that can occur in case of their deficiency.
Type of Vitamin
Symptoms of vitamin deficiency usually arise only in particularly serious situations that may derive from diseases or particular diets (often incorrect and unbalanced), even more so if continued for long periods of time and carried out without supervision by the doctor or by part of professional figures such as, for example, that of the dietician or nutritionist. At the same time, vitamin deficiency symptoms can also occur in:
- Elderly subjects (poor diet, malabsorption);
- Alcoholics (poor diet, liver disease, malabsorption);
- People subjected to certain drug therapies, such as, for example, chronic anticonvulsant therapy (to learn more, read also: Drugs that cause deficiencies in Vitamins and Minerals);
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women (increased need);
- Subjects suffering from particular pathologies, such as atrophic gastritis.
In all these cases, the use of vitamin supplements can prove useful to fill the deficiencies of these micronutrients and guarantee the subject an optimal physical efficiency.
medium size.Other scholars remind us, however, that to appreciate the antioxidant properties of this vitamin, it is necessary to take at least 200 milligrams every day. According to some, these doses should rise to 500-1000 mg / day. To achieve such values it is often necessary to resort to vitamin supplements.
In one of our many dietary examples we have reported the vitamin C values provided by the various menus. By examining these data, we realize that a "varied and balanced diet provides 50 to 500 mg of vitamin C per thousand calories every day.
Unfortunately, not all people follow an equally correct diet and, while respecting the minimum recommended intake values, they may need a "vitamin supplementation. Sports, stress, intense work and more or less important pathologies also increase the requests for vitamins of the body that could, therefore, be satisfied by resorting to specific supplements.
In general, before taking vitamin supplements, it is still good to ask for the preventive opinion of your doctor, even more so if you suffer from ailments or diseases of any kind, if you are undergoing drug therapies (in order to avoid potential interactions) or if you are in particular conditions (for example, pregnancy or breastfeeding).
In any case, regarding the "usefulness of" taking vitamin supplements, there are different schools of thought: from the traditionalist one that emphasizes the absolute uselessness of vitamin supplements and prefers to focus on the correct dietary education of the patient, passing through various intermediate stages. , up to the supporters of these products who strongly recommend their use.
For further information: Vitamins and minerals: maximum allowable doses in food supplements