YELLOW-ORANGE FOODS: pumpkin, orange, peach, apricot, medlar, grapefruit, nectarine, pepper, melon, lemon, carrot, persimmon, clementine, mandarin.
Properties of Yellow and Orange Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables of this color contain beta-carotene (phytochemical) which has a "high antioxidant and provitaminic action, thanks to which it protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Beta-carotene is absorbed with the fats present in the diet.
Another very important family of compounds that characterizes this group of foods is that of flavonoids. Flavonoids hinder the formation of free radicals and their action occurs mainly at the gastrointestinal level.
- Orange: rich in vitamin C (contributes to the formation of collagen and has an antioxidant function) and also contains, in large quantities, anthocyanins, which give this fruit anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties.
- Lemon: rich in vitamin C.
- Pepper: rich in vitamin C.
All the fruits of this color, from citrus to peaches, give energy and quench thirst.
In every season, yellow-orange fruit or vegetables are available and a "constant intake is recommended, since, as we have seen, it contains substances that are important for eyesight or can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and slow down" aging.