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In this way, the painful and excessively contracted muscles are able to relax gradually until, after a few hours, the first movements can be resumed.
Some people unaware of the danger that this gesture could create, instead of seeking the conditions of maximum immobility to rest the muscles, tend to get up immediately with a rather brusque movement. This approach is obviously not recommended, as it could cause further injury to both the muscle and osteoarticular level.
These are the symptoms and phases that characterize the witch's stroke, a dry and sudden trauma that resolves within 2 or 3 days but then requires a much longer period for the complete disappearance of the pain.
Compared to common low back pain, witch stroke is a rarer but much more painful and excruciating event.
For further information: Witch Stroke Symptoms making an apparently banal movement that actually stresses the paravertebral musculature in an abnormal or excessive way. When you get out of bed in the morning, the muscles in this area can, for example, be excessively contracted due to a trivial cold, wrong positions taken during rest or efforts made the day before and not yet. recovered.
From the physiological point of view, the causes of the witch's stroke are to be sought, as well as in the lack of elasticity of the paravertebral musculature, in pathologies that affect the vertebral structures present in this area.
To understand the causes for which the witch's stroke arises, we must first of all realize that contracture is a defensive act that the body adopts to avoid much more serious consequences (stretching). When we stretch a muscle excessively, a mechanism is triggered involuntary which leads to the contraction of the muscle fibers. In this way, if on the one hand damage from excessive stretching is avoided, on the other equally negative consequences can arise (such as contracture or the witch's stroke).
Obviously, the greater the elasticity of the paravertebral musculature and the lower the possibility of being affected by this episode of acute lumbago. together with this the very painful blow of the witch.
In the light of this information, it is possible to draw up a list of risk conditions that predispose the subject to the witch's stroke:
.Poor postural attitudes, incorrect lifting technique.
Traumatic events of other nature such as falls or accidents.
Cold blows, lack of general and specific heating.
Efforts that involve excessive muscular and ligament stress.
Spondylolisthesis (sliding of one vertebra over the other with a major one).
Generic discopathies, herniated disc, dehydration.
Vertebral arthritic degeneration.
All the tips that we will list below undoubtedly have a modest effectiveness in accelerating the return to daily activities. However, they are absolutely unable to protect the individual from any relapses that can only be prevented by improving postural attitudes and associating them with a targeted physical activity program.
Early rehabilitation operations are based on the assumption that a contracture must be treated simply by finding the best way to relax the muscles.
After the first, short, period of absolute rest, decontracting manipulations and massages, obviously performed by expert personnel, are undoubtedly effective in "relieving muscle tension and" bringing benefits also at an analgesic level.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) ointments have a modest efficacy as they are absorbed much more slowly than tablets. However, their side effects are minimal and for this reason, unlike tablets, they can be purchased without a prescription. Even a simple aspirin might have some beneficial effect, as do transdermal patches. However, all these tools must be used exclusively under medical prescription, useless and often harmful, use "do-it-yourself" remedies or listen to the advice of incompetent people on the subject.
The intervention of physiotherapists, massage therapists, masseurs, agupontori, osteopaths, chiropractors and so on and so forth, is certainly useful as long as you are sure that the staff you are addressing are absolutely prepared and competent. Manipulations of the spine they are a potentially dangerous discipline that could only have beneficial effects for the wallet of those who practice them.
The same applies to physical therapies in which we try to exploit physical agents (heat, cold, electric current) for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory and curative effect. Among the most used are laser therapy, electrotherapy and cryotherapy.
In a second phase, the re-education can continue in the gym under the guidance of an expert personal trainer and with the help of particular benches such as those with inversion that allow the recovery and gradual improvement of muscle elasticity.
While in adults the witch's stroke is often linked to causes of muscular and ligamentous origin, as one advances with age, the risk that such episodes hides problems much more serious than simple muscle contracture increases.
For this reason, it is first of all necessary to understand what are the real causes of lower back pain, both to avoid further complications and to establish a more effective therapeutic approach. If when you feel the witch's stroke you are already aware of vertebral problems, it is essential to undergo diagnostic tests after a few days that can highlight problems such as inflammation, injury, arthritis or arthrosis.
CONTINUE: Witch stroke, prevention and physical activity "