In the group of glans infections, balanitis is as widespread as it is unpleasant and feared: from "balanus" (glans), balanitis is an "infection involving the terminal part of the penis, which often spreads to adjacent areas (eg foreskin). assuming the more precise connotation of balanoposthitis.Although this type of "glans infection is very common among children, balanitis is also one of the venereal diseases, therefore also the woman, after a complete risky intercourse with a patient affected by the infection, can be infected and suffer a" genital infection.
CAUSES: bacteria, fungi and parasites represent the most important etiopathological elements involved in the manifestation of glans infection; it seems that syphilis and gonorrhea are the two most recurrent sexually transmitted diseases in the context of glans infections. However, balanitis can also depend on extra-infectious, secondary causes, such as allergies, changes in the immune system (eg diabetes), contact dermatitis, phimosis, intertrigo and poor personal intimate hygiene.
SYMPTOMS: although NON-infectious balanitis can also occur asymptomatically (eg diabetic balanitis), the infectious form is ALWAYS characterized by peculiar symptoms, such as irritation of the glans, local itching and redness, also accompanied by urination disorders, edema, enlargement inguinal lymph glands, ulcerative lesions, whitish and / or foul-smelling secretions from the penis, sometimes associated with bleeding.
THERAPY: for the treatment of balanitis dependent on bacterial infections, antibiotics are the therapy of choice, while fungal insults must be eradicated with the topical application and / or the systemic intake of specific antifungal drugs. Cortisones are NOT indicated. to treat glans infections dependent on bacterial balanitis. The sexual partner should also undergo specific drug treatment, even in the absence of symptoms. For further information: read the article on drugs for the treatment of balanitis.
Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis of immunological origin that affects the skin and mucous membranes in general; among the various types of lichen planus, the genital one is probably one of the most unpleasant. Despite preferring women, the infection can be transmitted to men by sexual contact: in similar situations, the glans is involved, as well as the foreskin, causing burning, pain during urination and dyspareunia (sclero-atrophic lichen planus).
CAUSES: being an infectious variant, sclero-atrophic lichen can be favored by chronic infections in general, especially due to Herpes simplex; however, in some cases, it is not possible to identify the predisposing factor exactly. of the immune system and anatomical changes can promote infection.
SYMPTOMS: when glans infections occur in the form of lichen planus, the characteristic symptoms are those of a dermatosis, then itchy, erosive and recurrent papular lesions or plaques on the skin of the genitals, local itching with balanitis and postitis, and pain during intercourse (genital lichen planus).
THERAPY: differential diagnosis is important before undertaking any pharmacological treatment for the treatment of glans infection caused by lichen planus, since the pathology is easily confused with other similar ones. Treatment depends on the triggering element; only rarely does lichen planus regress without the aid of drugs. For further information: read the article on drugs for the treatment of lichen planus.
Warts (or sharp warts) also fall into the category of glans infections. A typical expression of venereal diseases, genital warts occur mainly in immunocompromised patients or in a state of severe wasting. Despite what has been said, it is estimated that genital warts affect half of sexually active healthy people: from here it is understood that the disease, although annoying, is generally not so alarming.
CAUSES: when warts grow in the glans, they normally express a typical infection with HPV viruses, belonging to types 6 and 11. The transmission of the virus occurs by sexual contact; it should be remembered, however, that an efficient immune system is able to eradicate the pathogen even before causing damage.
SYMPTOMS: the glans seems to be one of the favorite male targets of the HPV virus: the infection manifests itself with pain, irritation and limited itching, although it can cause dyspareunia and pain when urinating. The possibility that the HPV glans infection degenerates in cancer and malignant malformations - however remote - it is nonetheless real.
THERAPY: glans warts do not always manifest themselves with symptoms; more often they are asymptomatic and tend to regress spontaneously. However, in the case of a diagnostic finding, it is recommended to treat the warts with antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Alternatively, in the "event of a" particularly resistant or painful infection, it is conceivable to subject the patient to electrocoagulation, laser therapy or surgical excision, especially if the hypothesized risk of degeneration of the infection into malignant form is important. in-depth information: read the article on drugs for the treatment of acute condyloma.
Rather rare in men, candida-dependent glans infections often occur asymptomatically, unlike female candidiasis. In other cases, Candida infections at the glans level predispose the victim (especially if diabetic) to balanitis and balanoposthitis.
CAUSES: the glans fungal infections are caused, in almost all cases, by Candida albicans, fungi mostly contracted through unprotected sexual intercourse. Mixed use of infected towels or underwear can also promote infection with Candida.
SYMPTOMS: Candida infections of the glans, as well as those of the foreskin, can cause limited burning, pain during intercourse and urination, localized erythema, itching and genital irritation.
THERAPY: candidiasis in general, as well as glans infections from Candida, can be cured with the topical application of specific antifungals (eg Clotrimazole, Miconazole), possibly associating antifungals with systemic action (Polyenics, Echinocandins). Following a similar therapy, the intestinal bacterial flora could be affected, altering the normal composition of microorganisms For this reason, it is recommended to supplement the diet with specific lactic ferments. For further information: read the article on drugs for the treatment of candidiasis.
Among the most common sexually transmitted infections, we cannot forget gonorrhea, also called blenorrhagia, an "infection that affects both sexes; from the statistical data, it seems that the infection occurs in particular among young people who, still inexperienced, tend to to neglect the importance of the condom in sexual relations with subjects at risk.
CAUSES: in men, gonorrhea occurs also and above all in the glans, as a consequence of an "infection caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, able to survive a few hours on the toilet. The beat can be transmitted, as well as by sexual contact, through the maternal-fetal way.
SYMPTOMS: the gonococcus triggers a particular irritation in the man, especially at the level of the glans, often associated with whitish-yellowish and foul-smelling discharge from the penis (typical symptoms of gonococcal urethritis). In addition to these symptoms, the infection also involves pain when urinating, burning and itching. Only in the most extreme cases, this type of glans infection degenerates into prostatitis, epididymitis and sterility. See: Photo Gonorrhea
THERAPY: even in case of temporary removal of symptoms, specific antibiotic therapy against Neisseria gonorrhoeae must be performed. Macrolides, quinolones and cephalosporins are the most suitable drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea: the removal of the beating produces, consequently, the remission of all the characteristic symptoms of the glans infection.